Friday, January 8, 2010


Killing me with all your words of hate.
Tearing me down
Turning my heart black as you scream of all my mistakes.
I try to apologize but it wont be heard.
Trying to hold on to me
To capture my soul
I sit silently and let you take complete control.
You tell me that I dont care and that I dont try.
But right now Im trying not to cry.
I know life is hard
Ive lived my own story of pain
I know if you dont work hard
Then you'll have nothing to gain.
I try I care I do my best.
So please stop yelling
Please give it a rest
My heart is now broken
Its tattered and torn
You've now ripped me to shreds
Im no longer human
Im nothing
Im dead

1 comment:

  1. You should show these to ur mum and dad.

    That would be awsome.

    They would shit a brick. =D


